Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy cover services that are provided by HFBA Trading Limited ("HFBA", or the "Company").

If you continue to browse and use this website & enrol with us, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following Terms and Conditions.

If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use the website or enrol with us.

Information and Disclaimers

Whilst HFBA works hard to prevent any or all errors and omissions, neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, performance or completeness of information offered on this website for any particular purpose or use.

The material on this website is owned by or licensed to HFBA and includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction of all material is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice and with permission given.

HFBA will not be held liable in connection to the website, products or services offered both by us or others. This includes direct, indirect or consequential losses. We are not liable for any financial losses caused a result of using the website.

By accepting these terms and conditions you accept that HFBA is not responsible for the welfare of members.


HFBA reserves the right to change or alter any part of the website, with or without notice, both temporarily and permanently. We always work to maintain the website at all times, however, it is subject to change.

Other Websites

This website may also include links to other websites or applications. These links are provided for the user’s convenience to give further information. They do not signify that Janson Smith agree or endorse them and are not liable for their content.


Payments between HFBA and its users are handled by Stripe Inc and Paypal. All prices on the website are correct at the time of writing and are subject to change at any time before an agreement is made; once an agreement is made between HFBA and a user the price is fixed unless stated.

Although we try to ensure all prices are correct at all times, there may be an occasion when something is priced incorrectly; we will verify the cost at the point of payment.

Refund Policy

You are entitled to a refund of the enrollment cost / setup fee less an admin charge (see below) within the first 14 days of your purchase (with your purchase date counting as Day 1), provided that:

- You have not accessed more than 20% of the course's content since enrolling

- You have not attended any 1-1 coaching calls (applies to our ACCELERATE Members only)

- You have not received any feedback from us after submitting an idea via any of our product idea forms (applies to our

ACCELERATE Members only).

Accessing course content includes opening a lesson or a file, irregardless of whether you watched it or not. Whether or not you click on the 'MARK AS COMPLETE' button within a lesson makes no difference. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule, so please note that opening a lecture / video for viewing will count towards your 20% allowance (c. 35 lessons).

If you have questions in relation to this policy, or would like to apply for a refund under the above conditions, please email [email protected] with the following information:

- Your name
- Date you enrolled
- Number of days since you enrolled (to confirm less than 14 days has passed)
- % of course complete according to your member stats (to verify less than 20% has been accessed). This stat is available to view when you login or can be calculated by doing Number of Accessed Lessons / Total Lessons.

- Confirmation that you have not attended any 1-1 coaching calls or received any product verification feedback from us.
- Payment method you used to sign up (Card / PayPal etc)

Refund Admin Fee

To cover our own fees in issuing refunds, all accepted refund requests will be made after deducting an admin fee. If you paid via debit card, credit card or PayPal (either up front of via the 3 month payment plan), the applicable refund admin fee is $60 / £50.

Payment Plans

You have the option to pay for the course via a monthly payment plan, with the maximum number of installments being 3.

If you fail to make any of the payments on time you will be automatically un-enrolled from the course and all of its services immediately. Our payment processor will automatically continue to collect owed funds until the outstanding balance is settled.

You will not be entitled to a refund, and you may be liable for late payment charges.

The payment plan can only be cancelled if you notify [email protected] within your 14 day grace period, provided that you have not accessed more than 20% of the course's content. See the refund section for more details of the refund policy.

If you change your mind about progressing with the course after the 14-day grace period has elapsed or after you have accessed more than 20% of the course's content within the 14-day grace period, the payment plan can not be cancelled and you will still be charged on each date remaining of the payment plan. No refunds will be provided nor will access be given if you cancel your payment plan and you have gone over the 14 grace period / accessed more than 20% of the course's content.

Money Back Guarantee (Accelerate Members only)

In the unlikely event that you have an unsuccessful product launch with Amazon FBA (as defined below), and you have followed the corrective steps issued by the HonestFBA coaches after contacting them, we will provide you with a refund covering the purchase price of the course.

We define an unsuccessful product launch as one where your product does not generate sales in excess of the purchase price of HonestFBA within 3 months of you starting to sell your product on Amazon.

In order to qualify for the guarantee, you must have:

1. Submitted your product / listing to us via the product idea form, the product verification / order form, and the listing review form, with confirmation from us at each stage that that you are okay to continue.

2. Ensured your product and product listing do not infringe on any patents, trademarks or copyrights.

3. Attended at least 1 live session per calendar month since enrolling with HonestFBA.

4. Attended all of your 1-1 coaching calls (6 in total).

5. Completed 100% of the course's content.

Upon launching your product, if you face difficulties you must also ensure that you have emailed us a link to your listing, where we will review your product & listing once more and provide our recommendations. Our corrective steps must be taken on board.

If our recommendations do not improve your product's performance, you will be offered an additional call with us where we will go through further recommendations in order to rectify matters.

If after following these steps you still have had an unsuccessful launch (as defined above), please email [email protected] to apply for reimbursement with supporting evidence for each of the items outlined above and we will review your claim.


The HonestFBA Accelerate package comes with our unlimited support and 6 coaching calls with our specialist coaches, lasting up to one hour each. In order to ensure you become a well rounded seller, each call has its own allocated topic (product research, product validation, creating your listing, launching on Amazon, and PPC) which cannot be changed or used more than once (i.e. you can't have 6 x calls just on product research).

Any questions outside of these coaching calls - unless confidential - should be directed in the first instance to the Discord community board so that others can learn and we can all help each other. If you feel you'd like more detail in any answer that you've been given, you can also email us.

Community Groups

Once you have paid for the course, you can request to join the HonestFBA community groups that are linked in your joining email. Joining on the Accelerate package entitles you to 12 months access to the Accelerate community group as well as our Q&A and product research live sessions. After this period, membership can be extended for $80 per month. The groups and live sessions are there for you to ask questions, help others, and to post updates on your journey to date. They are not there for you to advertise or promote affiliate links or any other external links without our permission, nor is it there for you to engage in anti-competitive practices or abusive behaviour. You will be removed from the group if you break any of these rules.

Questions, Comments, Feedback & Complaints

If you have any questions, comments, requests or complaints, or you just want to say hello, feel free to email [email protected]

Copyright Notice

This application and its content are the copyright of HFBA.

All information on this website is protected by copyright and belong to HFBA. The copying and reproduction of any material used for this website, in any media or format of any kind, is strictly prohibited unless written permission by HFBA is obtained prior to use. This is true for content and information.